Thursday, November 06, 2008

Reading is FUNdamental

Yesterday I was surprised and saddened to learn that Michael Crichton has died after a battle with cancer, since I didn't even know he was sick. Jurassic Park was one of the first "adult" (not that "adult", you sicko) novels that I ever read. Jurassic Park helped cement my love of novels. I think I read it three or four times, and then I proceeded to devour the rest of his books. Most of his books were made into films, most which did not do the books justice. But what A List! : The Terminal Man, Congo, Eaters of the Dead, Sphere, Rising Sun, Airframe, Timeline, the list goes on. Most of them had a science or medical premise, albeit a fantastical one, and they were always well researched. His imagination was incredible, and he wasn't scared of any subject. He wrote abouteverything from reverse sexual discrimination (Disclosure), to time travel (Timeline), to global warming (State of Fear), to nanotechnology (Prey) (especially creepy). I always looked forward to his next book. I will miss the new and frightening tales that he dreams up. If you're looking for an engrossing read, pick up one of one of his books.

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