Saturday, January 24, 2009

Throw your cameras in the air, and wave them like you just don't care

Can I just say how much I love the X-Games? It's really exciting for me when they come around every six months. There is no doubt in my mind that ESPN is "the worldwide leader in sports" When I was in high school, my dream job was to work at the X-Games. Running camera, editing, directing, I didn't care, as long as I was involved. I think it's so cool that they they spend so much money and spare no expense in bringing extreme sports to the masses. Every year, they have some new and amazing video device to help bring us the action. I love the camera on the cable during the boarder-cross events, the follow cam in the halfpipes, and the myriad of graphics to help explain everything. This year's new toy is the "Mega-mo", like slow motion on steroids. They use a camera that shoots 300 frames a second! (Normal is 30 frames a second) So when they slow the tricks down, it just looks amazing. Being in television, and knowing what it would take to pull off an event such as this makes it even more amazing. To move from event to event to event so seamlessly, keeping everything so entertaining, all while battling the elements is truly neat-o.

So if you want to see some sick skiing and snowboarding, tune in tonight or tomorrow--great stuff.

1 comment:

Dave M. Davis said...

I know exactly what you mean, I too dreamed (still to this day) of being involved in events like that but on the still camera side of things. Wish I could be there!